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See our Small-Size (14 inches tall) Biblical Puppets

 JESUS (GS2601)

A Hebrew by nationality and a carpenter by trade, this young man changed the world forever. Represented in this Deluxe Full-Body puppet style, Jesus has a soft sculptured face rich in detail. His beard and hair are medium brown and he wears his finest linen robes with satin sash for this special appearance. The sandals he wears are his only pair but quite neat and very comfortable. He and the other puppets below are 28 inches tall and come with an arm rod that may be clipped to either hand.


NOAH (GS2603)

Built a ship large enough to take his wife, three sons and daughters-in-law, and a pair of each of the earth's animals aboard.


MARY (GS2602)

The wife of Joseph and the mother of Jesus.



The husband of Mary, the mother of Jesus, was a carpenter in Nazareth. To escape Herod, he fled with his family to safety in Egypt.


PETER (GS2604)

He was a fisherman originally named Simon and often called Simon Peter.



Esther appears in the Bible as a woman of deep faith, courage and patriotism, ultimately willing to risk her life for the Jewish people.


PAUL (GS2605)

Paul, whose original name was Saul, was both a preacher and a teacher.



Abraham was the first Biblical patriarch and the traditional founder of the Hebrew nation. He was the father of Issac. He is also considered an ancestor of the Arab peoples through his son Ishmael.


SARAH (GS2607)

The wife of Abraham and the mother of Issac.



The second King of Israel, David reigned from 1010 BC to 970 BC. In his youth, he defeated the Philistine giant Goliath and then went on to unify the Jewish tribes.



A prophet who went throughout the land acting as a judge, publicly advising the nation, and also giving private advice to individuals.



He was born in Judah six months before Jesus. He spent 30 years in the desert preparing for his priestly duties and baptised Jesus at Betharba.



A Hebrew prophet during the Babylonian Captivity, he interpreted dreams for Nebuchadnezzar, read handwriting on the wall at Belshazzar's feast, and escaped from the lion's den.



Mary Magdalene is described in the bible as a devoted disciple of Jesus. She is considered by the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Anglican churches to be a saint.



A shepherd is one who tends sheep, but also one who protects, guides or watches over others.


MOSES (GS2621)

Moses was the son of Amram and his wife, Jochebed, a Levite. He is known as the legendary Hebrew liberator, leader, lawgiver, prophet, historian, and founder of Israel, or the Jewish people.



It was Miriam (Moses' sister) who, at the request of Jochebed (Moses' mother), hid Moses (then a baby) by the side of a river to evade the Pharaoh's order that newborn Hebrew boys be killed. She watched as the Pharaoh's daughter discovered the infant and decided to adopt him. Miriam then suggested that the princess take on a nurse for the child, and suggested Jochebed.


DEVIL (GS2613)

This Deluxe Full-Body Puppet has... um... beautifully sculptured features... er... horns... and looks so cool... uh... hot... well dressed! We understand that you should not sign any deals with him about anything and NEVER take any stock market tips from him. He is 28 inches tall and comes with a detachable hand/arm rod.



Our Blonde-Hair Buddy (GS4583) on the left is wearing "God's inside" on his shirt, while our Afro Buddy's (GS4633) shirt states "Life is Short - Pray Hard."

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On the left is Connie (GS4643) with brown ponytails and a red shirt with "God" in the middle of a heart. Next is Ronnie (GS4613) with brown hair and a blue shirt with "G.O.D. God Answers Prayer." On the right is Bonnie (GS4693) with strawberry red ponytails and a purple shirt that says "Smile, Jesus loves you!"

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Meet Stuart (GS4663) on the left wearing his 'Bible: Good for Life' shirt. Dayna (GS4623) on the right is wearing her 'Rainbow: God's Promise' shirt. Both are 28 inches tall and come with a detachable hand/arm rod.

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That's Linda (GS4573) on the left and her twin brother Raul (GS4563) on the right. Each has 'Cristo te Ama' embroidered in red across the bib of their overalls. Both are 28 inches tall and come with an arm control rod.

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Red-Hair Boy w/"God is Awesome" Shirt (GS4503), Blonde Boy w/"God Answers Prayer" Shirt (GS4513), Yellow-Hair Boy w/"God's Got A Plan For Me" Shirt (GS4523), Afro Boy w/"I Love Jesus" Shirt (GS4533), Red Yarn-Hair Girl w/"God Bless America" Shirt (GS4543), Afro Girl w/"Jesus" Shirt (GS4553). Also available Yellow-Hair Girl w/"I Love Sunday School" Shirt (GS4593).

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Each 24 inch tall puppet has "Jesus Loves Me" beautifully embroidered on his or her play suit and is equipped with an arm rod and a pacifier. Available as Boy (SS2303), Girl (SS2403), Afro Boy (SS2303B) and Afro Girl (SS2403B).

DISCONTINUED ITEMS. While supplies last!

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by Kristin Greenhalgh

Each set contains 16-20 short and easy-to-use scripts for 2-3 puppet characters, plus discussion questions to reinforce concepts taught and to facilitate understanding. #1020 Walking with God (depicts important steps in the Christian walk); #1021 Living Like Jesus (teaches Christ-like character traits and virtures); The Reason for the Seasons (teaches historical background and biblical lessons for the holidays from Advent to Yom Kippur): #1022 - Vol 1 (Jan.-Apr.); #1023 - Vol. 2 (May-Sep.); #1024 - Vol 3 (Oct. - Dec.).

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