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us to introduce you to Major-General
Dipsy Doofers, recently retired from the
Army of Mirth. At 28 inches tall, you can
now have a hand in something very funny!
Work Dipsy by inserting your hand into
the opening on his back and up into his
head to work his very large and
expressive mouth (one doesn't often
receive that particular compliment). A
rod that can be clipped to either hand
allows Dipsy to make expressive gestures
while clowning!
CLOWN (GS4906)
Here is, of course,
Miss. Muddles, performing her
world-famous circus act just for us. This
is just after the Mail Clown in a tiny
truck delivers a new box of beauty
supplies for her. She ordered eye-liner
and lipstick but what she gets when she
opens the box is a big cloud of pancake
face powder. The other clowns mistake the
powder cloud for smoke and rush to put
Muddles out with many buckets of water.
Muddles gets even by chasing them with
another bucket of water which she
accidentally spills into the audience.
Good thing it turns out to be just