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Howdy partner. Been kinda hot out here in the badlands... but I'm used to it. The trick is to wear appropriate clothing... the kind that protects you from the elements and yet is still comfortable. I'm wearing a real imitation leather vest, mock leather boots and a faux leather cowboy hat. The fringe on the vest is absolutely genuine... just like me. My finely chiseled face and robust sculptured features are a sure sign that I'm one of those 'Deluxe' breed of Full-Body Hand Puppets. I'm over 28 inches tall and about as tough a cowpoke as you'd ever want to meet in front of or behind a puppet stage. No cutesy stuff for me... no sir. I tell it like it is! I call my horse 'Horse', my dog 'Dog' and my girl 'Honey Pot' (ya gotta be delicate 'bout some things).




Don't you go believin' everything that cowpoke above says. About as close to the 'badlands' as he's ever been is at a John Wayne movie (and a matinee, to boot). Oh, he's a Deluxe Full-Body Hand Puppet all right, just like me... and he's over 28 inches tall too. But that western outfit he's wearing, as fancy as it is, came from the same downtown boutique as mine did. He rides the range on a Segway, not a horse; he has a Cat, not a dog; and if he ever calls me "Honey Pot" them's the last words he's ever gonna say.



welcome - full-body puppets - hand puppets- string puppets - wrap-a-round puppets
references - puppet stages - puppet scripts - information